A Woman’s View Calendar

Please register for classes inadvance by calling A Woman’sPlace at 920-498-4205.

Look Good . . . Feel Better

Mondays, June 5, July 10, and August 7,5:30 to 8:30 p.m.
As a national American CancerSociety (ACS) public service program,Look Good … Feel Betterhelps women receiving cancertreatments learn how to managethe appearance-related sideeffects.

Cardiovascular Assessment

Thursdays, by appointment
This assessment will measure yourblood pressure, heart rate, cholesterollevels, fasting blood sugar,C-reactive protein, body mass index,and other factors to determineyour 10-year risk of developingheart disease. An EKG is included.A 12-hour fast is required.
Fee: $40. Scholarships are available.

Vacation Bible School

Monday through Friday, June 12through 16, 9 a.m. to noon
Children see the words of the Biblebrought to life as they tour adepartment in the hospital andlearn about the human body.Drama, music, and art will correlatewith the Bible lessons, and a dailysnack will be provided. Childrenof all religious backgrounds areencouraged to attend. Recommendedfor children ages 7 to 10.
Instructor: Sue Costello, MS, Women’sHealth Educator/St. Mary’s HospitalFee: $15 per child or $25 for two childrenin the same family

Bone Density Screening

Thursday, June 22, 9 a.m. to noon, byappointment
A simple test that uses ultrasoundto measure the bone density of yourheel can help you learn whetheryou may be at risk of developingosteoporosis. While this is nota diagnostic exam, a health careprofessional will discuss theresults and answer your questions.Recommended for women ages 40and older.
Fee: $15 per person

Finding Inner Peace ThroughBreath

Thursday, June 22, 6:30 to 8 p.m.
Breathing is something we all takefor granted. But the way youbreathe can influence your life,health, appearance, and energy.Learn how to breathe properly andsee what a difference it can make.Class size is limited.
Facilitator: Sara Joski, yoga instructorFee: $10

Everywoman’s JournalingProgram

Tuesday, June 27, 1 to 3:30 p.m. or6 to 8:30 p.m.
Keeping a journal helps us learnhow our mental and physicalhealth is affected by our bodies’responses to all kinds of lifeexperiences. Receive a freejournal, pen, and guidebook onhow to journal proactively.A program of the WisconsinWomen’s Health Foundation(WWHF) Rural Women’s HealthNetwork. Space is limited.
Free.Facilitators: WWHF Journal Facilitators

Giving It All You’ve Got:Performance Enhancementfor the Female Athlete

Monday, August 7, noon to 4 p.m.,location TBDThis session includes interactivecoaching and drills with theathletes, breakout sessions, andinjury prevention. For moreinformation or to register, callSt. Mary’s Bone & Joint Centerat 920-498-4684.

Family BirthingCenter Classes

St. Mary’s Family BirthingCenter offers classes, too!

  • Lamaze
  • Sibling
  • Meet the CertifiedNurse Midwife
  • Breast-Feeding
  • Infant Massage
  • Infant Care

Call A Woman’s Placefor more information at920-498-4205 orvisit us on the Web atwww.stmgb.org.

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