Yo-Yo Dieting May Do More
Harm Than Good

Yo-Yo Dieting May Do More
Harm Than Good


Does your weight seem to shift as often as the weather? One recent study found that the immune systems of overweight, postmenopausal women were weakened if they dropped 10 or more pounds at least twice in their life. And the more times they did this, the worse off their immune systems were.

Other studies have linked weight dips and gains to increased risks for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and gallbladder disease.

Why do many women have trouble keeping off weight? Some experts believe a lack of exercise is to blame. Severe yo-yo dieters in one study were less likely than other women to be physically active enough to prevent weight gain. Instead, they often tried to change their diet—rather than boost their level of activity. But research shows that both exercise and a healthy diet are vital steps in weight management.

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