Got a Cold? 10 Tips to Help You Feel Better Faster

Got a Cold? 10 Tips to Help You Feel Better Faster

When sneezes, sniffles, and coughs start, you might reach for over-the-counter cold remedies. Yet they can’t shorten or cure your cold. Plus, they may bring unwelcome side effects, such as drowsiness or insomnia.

Luckily, there are plenty of natural—and less costly—ways to quickly combat a cold and its symptoms.

1 Drink at least eight glasses of non-caffeinated fluids a day. They keep mucus loose, making it easier to clear out.

2 Suck on a zinc lozenge every couple of hours. Taken for less than three days, zinc is generally safe. But it can cause harm if used regularly. Pregnant women should avoid it altogether.

3 Breathe in hot vapors from the shower or a steaming bowl of water. Steam may relieve congestion.

4 Gargle with warm salt water to help soothe a sore throat.

5 Try raw garlic or garlic supplements. Both may speed recovery and relieve symptoms.

6 Take 2 to 6 grams of vitamin C daily at the start of symptoms. Vitamin C may shorten a cold and lessen symptoms. But avoid megadoses: they can cause diarrhea and other harmful effects.

7 Drink a bowl of chicken soup. Soup helps thin mucus and may ease a runny or stuffy nose.

8 Sip a cup of echinacea tea. If used at the start of symptoms, this herb—and its tinctures—may make a cold go away quickly. However, it can affect your immune system if taken on a regular basis.

9 Seek heat. Cold viruses can’t grow stronger in warm temperatures.

10 Get rest. Rest strengthens your body against infection. You’ll also feel less groggy.

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