Elizabeth Ministry at A Woman’s Place

Elizabeth Ministry at A Woman’s Place

Elizabeth Ministry offers support, encouragement, friendship, and companionship to women during times of crisis. Volunteers who have experienced similar difficulties are available on an individual basis to be partners with women who may have had a miscarriage, a premature baby, a C-section, a hysterectomy, a cancer diagnosis, or an infant or child in crisis. Your confidentiality is respected at all times.

Elizabeth Ministry was founded by Jeannie Hannemann of Appleton in the early 1990s as a parish ministry to women. Having its roots in the scripture account of the visitation of Mary to Elizabeth, Elizabeth Ministry is a “response to the needs of women and their families during childbearing years.” This “like-to-like” ministry, providing outreach opportunities for women to share their experiences, has been designed to affirm, support, encourage, and assist women during this unique time in their lives.

Although Elizabeth Ministry began as a parish ministry, it fits very well in a Christian hospital that has a history of service to women and girls. In September 2000, A Woman’s Place began this ministry as a continuation of our efforts to meet the special needs of women and their children.

To volunteer or to request help, please call Sue Costello at A Woman’s Place—920-498-4203.

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