Upcoming Events at A Womans Place
Get Togethers
Get Together Programs cover a variety of topics and times. Register by calling 920-498-4205. Fees must be received four days prior to class date. Please send class fee to: A Womans Place, 1727 Shawano Avenue, Suite 101, Green Bay, WI 54303.
Art from the Soul
Tuesday and Wednesday, July 23 and 24, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Nurture yourself by taking a personal retreat with other like-minded individuals. This two-day workshop will allow you to experience how creative expression deepens self-understanding, serves as a guide for spiritual healing, and can unlock the door to intuitive wisdom. No artistic ability is requiredonly a willingness to explore the mysteries and images of your inner world. (Bring your own lunch.)
Instructors: Tricia Matthew, Artist, Dream Consultant, and Ordained Presbyterian minister; and Donna Kuelz, Artist and Workshop Leader.
Fee: $90 (includes supplies)
Train Your Brain for Healthy (and Permanent) Weight Loss
Thursdays, July 11 through August 1, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.
Every day we are bombarded by hypnotic messages enticing us to eat certain fast foods, drink sodas, buy the latest brand-name fashions, etc. During this interactive mini-course, you will learn to train your brain to choose what you are being hypnotized for, focus on your healthy weight goals, and achieve them!
Facilitator: Patricia Poole, C Ht, Reiki Master, with presentations by Joanne Gardner, St. Marys Hospital Registered Dietitian and Jane Birr, Prevea Fitness Specialist
Fee: $79
Support and Encouragement
Groups offer encouragement, information, and support on specific concerns or areas of interest. All groups are FREE. Register in advance at 920-498-4205.
Elizabeth Ministry
Elizabeth Ministry is available to assist individual women by partnering them with another woman who has had similar life-changing experiences. The goal is to provide understanding, comfort, encouragement, and support on a short-term basis to women in need.
Coordinator: Sue Costello, MS, 920-498-4203
Sharing with the Chef
Thursday, June 20, from noon to 1 p.m.
Enhance your culinary skills and learn from each other on how to add flavor to a healthy diet through the use of herbs. The focus will be a discussion on growing, using, and harvesting herbs for cooking (for the beginner).
Facilitator: Deb Marlow, Chef and Owner of The Dharma Kitchen
Infertility Support Group
Tuesdays, June 25, July 23, and August 27, from 7 to 8 p.m.
Are you struggling with fertility issues? Meet other couples facing the same concernsshare your experiences, your laughter, as well as your tears as you develop new friendships and give each other support.
Facilitator: Sue Costello, MS, St. Marys Hospital
Miscarriage Support Group
Tuesdays, June 25, July 23, and August 27, from 7 to 8 p.m.
This group provides support for those who have experienced the loss of a baby through miscarriage or stillbirth.
Facilitator: Brenda Herold, Elizabeth Ministry Volunteer
Mother to Mother Series
Wednesdays, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.
For breast-feeding moms and their babies.
June 19: Introducing Solids
July 17: Keeping Babies Safe at Home and as You Travel
August 21: Breast-Feeding and Returning to Work
Facilitators: St. Marys Lactation Consultants
Vacation Bible School
(for children ages 7 to 10)
Monday through Friday, June 10 through 14, from 9 a.m. to noon
Each day the children will have a Bible story, a tour of a department in the hospital, and a lesson about the human body. Drama, music, and art will correlate with the lessons, and a daily snack will be provided. Children of all religious backgrounds are encouraged to attend.
Instructor: Sue Costello, MS, Health Educator
Fee: $15 per child or $25 for two children in the same family
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