Current News Releases for St. Mary’s Hospital.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Green Bay – Green Bay area residents have the chance to dispose of their extra pharmaceuticals without harming the environment. On April 23, St. Mary’s Hospital Medical Center will partner with Green Bay Police for their second annual Pharmaceutical Take-Back Event.
“With this event, we hope to help people properly dispose of their household pharmaceutical waste,” said Ray Jermstad, Pharmacy Director, St. Mary’s Hospital Medical Center. “That helps prevent theft, accidental poisonings of children and pets, and protects the environment.” Unfortunately, many people end up flushing their pharmaceuticals or rinsing them down a drain. Their presence has been found in wastewater effluent, surface waters, and in some cases, groundwater, according to the Wisconsin DNR.
Those wishing to get rid of expired or extra medications can simply come to St. Mary’s Hospital on April 23, 2012, between 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. “This is an extremely easy way to properly dispose of pharmaceuticals, because people can just drive up, and drop off. They don’t even have to get out of their car,” said Jermstad. It’s important to note that pharmaceutical containers are securely recycled to protect the identity of those dropping of medications.
Over-the-counter or prescription medications of any kind will be accepted. Items not accepted include syringes or needles, non-medical inhalers or items which contain mercury. Medications from organizations and businesses will not be accepted.
Pharmaceutical Take-Back Event
• April 23, 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
• St. Mary’s Hospital Medical Center
• Emergency Department entrance, under the canopy, 1726 Shawano Avenue
Lisa Malak
(920) 884-5570 office
(920) 609-9113 cell
[email protected]