Current News Releases for St. Mary’s Hospital.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
We call it the Hats Off to Women Breakfast, but you may want to break out that bright spring bonnet and wear it to the St. Vincent Hospital Auxiliary fund raiser that benefits the St. Vincent Cancer Research Institute.
Tickets are available for the event to be held on Wednesday, May 19, from 7:00 to 9:30 a.m. at the KI Convention Center in downtown Green Bay. There will be a silent auction at the breakfast. Free parking is available in the ramp across from the KI Center.
This year’s event, with emcee WFRV-TV Anchor Lisa Malak, features Dr. Thomas Saphner, a medical oncologist with Green Bay Oncology, Ltd. and the Director of the St. Vincent’s Cancer Research Institute. He will give us an update on the clinical trials being done here in Green Bay. Our inspirational speaker this year will be Ms. Tracy Ertl, a local author, publisher and crime survivor.
Tickets are available for $25.00 each at the hospital Gift Shop, 835 S. Van Buren St., or by mail. Send your check payable to St. Vincent Hospital and mail it to Chris Kocken, Volunteer Services, St. Vincent Hospital, P.O. Box 13508, Green Bay, WI 54307-3508, or call Chris at (920) 433-8561 for more information.