Media RoomArchive
More Volunteers Needed at St. Mary’s Hospital
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Green Bay, WI – Additional greeters and transporters for St. Mary’s Hospital are needed. Volunteers would greet and escort patients and visitors to appropriate areas within hospital and Green Bay Oncology. Hours to volunteer are Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-noon and noon-4 p.m.
Volunteers need to be available at least one day per week for 4 hours (or more). All volunteers receive orientation and training to the hospital and clinic. Tuberculosis (TB) skin test and rubella blood test are required and provided courtesy of St. Mary’s.
To become a volunteer, Call Michelle Riedi-Baumgartner at St. Mary’s, (920) 498-4383.
Or visit and click on Volunteer link at top of homepage