St. Mary’s Hospital – F. A. Q.

Family Birthing CenterF. A. Q.

Frequently Asked Questions

When should I register for Childbirth Classes?

Depending on the class, you can begin registering as early as your 4th or 5th month of pregnancy. Look at the class descriptions on line for further guidance regarding what time in your pregnancy is best to take a specific class.
How do I register for Childbirth Classes?

For Classes at St. Vincent go to the hospital website and register under My St. Vincent. Register by phone for classes at St. Mary Hospital and St. Vincent Hospital call 433-8329.

If I am planning on having an epidural why should I take a Childbirth Preparation Class?

Because these classes cover much more information than Lamaze relaxation and breathing. You will learn about the process of labor, what to expect when you go into labor, how your partner can help you through the birth, what to expect once that baby is born regarding hospital procedures, receive a tour of the birthing center which will help alleviate some of your anxiety about the hospital. You are also able to ask many questions that you may not even think about when you are at the Doctors office during prenatal visits. 

Do I need to register ahead of time for my hospital stay?

Yes. If you have private health insurance call your insurance carrier first and notify them of your birth. Then call or go to the website of the hospital where you plan to deliver your baby. To preregister on line go to “My St. Vincent” or “My St. Marys.” To pre register by phone for St. Vincent Hospital call 920-433-8703 for St. Mary’s Hospital call 498-4472

Do I need to choose a doctor for my baby before the birth?

Yes, prior to coming to the hospital to deliver, be sure to select a doctor for you baby. A pediatrician is a specialist who takes care of infants through young adults. A family doctor is a physician who cares for patients throughout all phases of life. Once you have selected a physician be sure to call their office and check if they are taking new patients. Let them know when you are due and that you would like your infant to become established as a new patient with that physician. You can begin doing this around the 28th week of pregnancy.

If I have questions about a where I want to deliver my baby or what types of prenatal classes to take who should I call?

Call the Woman’s Health Specialist at “A Woman’s Place.” She can either answer your question or will know where to direct you. The number is 497-3889.
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