Caring for a Cantankerous Canker Sore

Caring for a Cantankerous Canker Sore

Cranky about a sore inside your mouth? If it’s a canker sore, it shoulddisappear within seven to 10 days. To ease the pain in the meantime,try an over-the-counter canker-sore ointment or mouth rinse. And limitor avoid crunchy, hot, salty, and spicy foods.

If a sore lasts longer than two weeks, talk to your doctor or dentist.

Can you prevent canker sores? It’s hard to say. Some people are proneto sores because of their genes. But you may be able to reduce your riskby avoiding certain foods, such as tomatoes, strawberries, cheese, andchocolate. And try to put a lid on stress, which may trigger sores.

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