Smokers’ Cough May Indicate COPD

Smokers’ Cough May Indicate COPD

A nagging cough can be a sign of chronic obstructivepulmonary disease, or COPD. COPD is usuallyfound in middle-aged and older people who smokeor once smoked. But a study in the AmericanJournal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicinefound that even adults ages 20 to 44 could developCOPD. Having a chronic cough was a risk factor.

Another study in the journal Chest found thatchronic cough was a stronger risk factor for COPDin women than in men.

COPD is a serious lung disease that causes swellingof the airways, making it difficult to breathe. COPD isthe fourth leading cause of death among Americans.

If you smoke, consider kicking the habit: Nineout of 10 ex-smokers will lose their cough afterquitting—usually within 12 months.

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