For Healthy Cycling, Get a Good Fit
If thoughts of exercise send you toyour easy chair, here’s some goodnews. Biking is great exercise thatyou can do sitting down. But becareful, because an ill-fitting bikecan cause pain and injury.
To get the most out of cycling,make sure your bike fits properly.If necessary, experts suggest askingyour bike dealer for help. Followthese tips for a good fit.
1. Level your saddle.A forward-tipping saddle rests toomuch weight on your hands andlower back. A back-tilting saddle alsomay strain your lower back and hurtyour bottom. A too-narrow saddlealso can cause buttock pain.
2. Don’t reach for those bars.Too-high handlebars put excessweight on the saddle. Too-low barscan cause lower arm or hand pain.The handlebars should place yourhands about an inch wider thanyour shoulders.
3. Apply your feet to the pedals.When the pedal’s down, your kneeshould be at a 35- to 45-degree angleto it. This angle minimizes stresson your knees.
Once your bike fits, you may getadded comfort from bike accessorieslike handlebar tape, shock absorbers,a cut-out saddle, or wider tires.Remember to change your handposition often, and wear a stiffsoledshoe.
Cycling on level ground at amoderate pace will keep you fit infive, 30-minute sessions every week.To burn as many calories and gainsimilar health benefits in just three20-minute stints, set a vigorous paceor bike uphill. Healthy cycling!