Overcome Your Fears and
Change Your Life

Overcome Your Fears and
Change Your Life

by Joan Borysenko, PhD

Recently, a client of mine named Gailwas downsized out of her job. At first,she was afraid of not being able tomake a living. But within a year sheopened her own firm, and now she’sthe boss. We all know stories likehers—when life changes for the betterafter we’re evicted from our comfortzones. Here are some tips to helpyou overcome fear and inertia andembrace change more willingly:

  1. Understand the gifts ofchange: In one year, Gail foundstrength, resourcefulness, and resiliencythat she didn’t know she had.We all grow emotionally, creatively,and spiritually through a three-stageprocess called a rite of passage. Weundergo separation from the old life, aliminal period of not knowing what’snext, and finally we return strengthenedand transformed. Rising to achallenge and finding meaning in it isa particular gift of being human.
  2. Let go: It’s important to grievewhat was, but then let go. Reflectionand silence can quiet the mind andallow new ideas to surface. After herjob evaporated, Gail started franticallysearching for a new position.Finally, she realized she needed timeto rest to avoid making decisions outof worry and stress. This is like lettinga field lie fallow to ensure its continuedfertility. The seed that sproutedfor Gail was the vision of owning herown business.
  3. Follow your vision: Courageouspeople aren’t fearless. They justtake action in spite of their fears.Working creatively to cope with unexpectedchange, or to make neededchanges when we feel stuck, is a validationof the reality that our potentialfor both work and love is much vasterthan we imagine.

Arrangements for the appearance of Joan Borysenko made throughBigSpeak, Inc., Santa Barbara, CA, www.BigSpeak.com.

Say yes to change! Come hear JoanBorysenko’s free presentation on Thursday,May 17. See the calendar inside for moredetails. Plan to join us for this exciting event!
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