A Woman’s View Calendar
get the toolsto transformyour life
Saying Yes to Change
Joan Borysenko, PhD
Thursday, May 17, 7 p.m.
Byron L. Walter Theatre,St. Norbert College, DePere
Joan Borysenko, PhD, is a worldrenownedspokesperson for themind-body approach to health,bringing science, medicine,psychology, and spiritualitytogether in the service of healing.She is a Harvard-trainedscientist and a spellbinding lecturerwho uses humor and personalexperiences as well as thelatest scientific research andpractical exercises for personaland professional growth. Theauthor of nearly a dozen books,Dr. Borysenko is an expertsought after by the media andhas appeared on Oprah, GoodMorning America, and others.Her work has also been featuredin numerous magazines andnewspapers.
To register, call
Tuesdays Together
Menopause: A Change—Not THE Change
Tuesday, March 6, 6:30 to 8 p.m.
Menopause is a transition, anatural process. And althoughyou may experience physicaland emotional changes, it isn’tthe end of youth or sexuality.Learn more about what is happeningto your body duringmenopause, and the emotionaland relational changes youmay experience. It may helpyou view this life transition in awhole new light.
Presenters: Lynnette Clancy, NP, menopausecoordinator, Prevea Health; LindaSchwallie, RN, LMFT, LPC, women’shealth therapist, Prevea Health
A Cancer That Is Preventable,Treatable, and Curable—IfCaught Early
Tuesday, March 13, 6:30 to 8 p.m.
Cancers of the colon and rectumare the second leadingtype of cancer death in the U.S.However, you may be able toreduce your risk of colon cancerwith regular screenings andsome simple lifestyle changes.
Learn more.
Presenter: Mitchell Manthey, MD,gastroenterologist, Prevea Health
Don’t Let Me Sneeze; Don’tMake Me Laugh
Tuesday, March 20, 6:30 to 8 p.m.
Loss of bladder control is notinevitable. It’s a common medicalcondition that can often betreated. Learn what you can doto treat or control the symptomsof incontinence. Free.
Presenters: Jennifer Burns, MD, urologist,Prevea Health; Sara Ehlert, physicaltherapist, St. Mary’s Rehab Services
Getting a Grip:Dealing with Clutter
Tuesday, April 10, 6:30 to 8 p.m.
The kids’ art projects, thoseinherited “treasures,” clothesyou no longer wear . . . Ourlives are filled with things. Getpractical advice on what tokeep, what to let go of and takethe first steps to simplifyingyour life.
Presenter: Tammy Southards, professionalorganizer and Family Manager™Coach
Fool Your Family
Tuesday, April 17, 6:30 to 8 p.m.
Nothing really underhandedgoing on here . . . just simple—and sneaky—ways to add fiberand nutrition to some of yourkids’ favorite meals. Even pickyeaters will enjoy! See a cookingdemo, receive recipes, andsample for yourself.
Presenter: Sara Schmitz, registereddietitian, Green Bay Public SchoolsFood Service
everywoman’s journalingProgram
Tuesday, May 1, 1 to 3:30 p.m.or 6 to 8:30 p.m.
Keeping a journal helps us learnhow our mental and physicalhealth is affected by our bodies’responses to all kinds of lifeexperiences. Receive a free journal,pen, and guidebook on howto journal proactively. A programof the Wisconsin Women’sHealth Foundation (WWHF)Rural Women’s Health Network.Space is limited. Free.
Facilitators: WWHF journal facilitators
Look Good . . . Feel Better
Mondays, March 5, April 2,and May 7, 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.
As a national American CancerSociety (ACS) public service program,Look Good . . . Feel Betterhelps women receiving cancertreatments learn how to managethe appearance-related sideeffects of those treatments. Free.
Feldenkrais: AwarenessThrough Movement
Mondays, March 12, 19, and 26,1 to 2 p.m. or 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Attend the Feldenkrais seriesto become more in tune withhabitual movement patternsand learn new options toimprove coordination, relaxation,and flexibility. Looseclothing, blanket/mat, and twotowels required.
Presenter: Michelle Vine, physical therapist,St. Mary’s Hospital Rehab Services
Fee: $36 for three-session class
Intro to T’ai Chi
Wednesday, March 21 or 28,6:30 to 8 p.m.
T’ai chi is a series of slow,relaxed movements that helpsintegrate body, mind, and spirit.Experience it for yourself. Wearcomfortable clothing. Free.
Presenter: Mary Kaminski,t’ai chi instructor
T’ai Chi Series
Wednesdays, April 11 through May 16,6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Get all the benefits of t’ai chi:exercise, muscle toning, relaxation,balance, increased concentration,and more in thisclass. Wear comfortable clothing.
Presenter: Mary Kaminski,t’ai chi instructor
Fee: $50 for six-session class
A Mindful Approach to Wellness
Mondays, April 16, 23, 30,and May 7, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Research scientists continue tofind connections between thebody and the mind in regard tohealth and well-being. Hecticschedules trap us in cycles ofstressful thoughts about thepast and future and we oftenforget to take care of ourselves.You’ll learn breathwork, gentlephysical movement, and mindfulnesstechniques to bringfocus and a sense of peacefulnessinto our lives.
Presenters: Theresa Oswald, MD, PreveaHealth; Kathleen Kelly Hoffman, RYT, BayArea Yoga; and John P. Nemick, MA, LCSW
Fee: $80 for four-session class
Keep Your BonesStrong and Healthy
Tuesdays, April 24, May 1,and May 8, 6:30 to 8 p.m.
If you’ve been diagnosed withosteoporosis or osteopenia orare just interested in learningwhat you can do to preventbone loss, consider this class.You’ll learn about diet, medicalmanagement, medication, andexercise and how they relateto bone density from a team ofexperts from St. Mary’s Hospitaland Prevea Health.
Presenters: Dick Nackers, RPh; JeanBouche, RD; Sara Ehlert, PT; DeborahYoung, PTA; and Michelle Cullen, APNP
Fee: $25 for three-session class
Exercise and Your Joints
Monday, April 30, 1 to 2 p.m.
If you have arthritis or experiencejoint pain, you might thinkexercise will make it worse. Butin fact, the opposite may betrue! Learn why exercise is soimportant, how to protect yourjoints, and what types of exercisesare beneficial.
Presenter: Michael O’Reilly, MD,board-certified orthopedic surgeon,Prevea Health
Infant/Child CPR
Monday, May 21, noon to 3 p.m.
This course provides informationregarding the AmericanHeart Association Infant andChild Chain of Survival, signs ofchoking in infants and children,prevention of sudden infantdeath syndrome, and preventionof the most common fatalinjuries in infants and children.
Presenter: St. Mary’s HospitalCPR instructors
Fee: $21, which includes book
Educational HealthScreenings
Balance Screening
Thursdays, March 15, April 19, orMay 17, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Falls are a leading cause ofinjury. If you experience dizzinessor loss of balance, considerthis 15-minute screeningto assess your balance. Offeredby St. Mary’s Rehab ServicesDepartment. To register, call
Bone Density Screening
Thursday, April 12, 9 a.m. to noon,by appointment
A simple test that uses ultrasoundto measure the bonedensity of your heel can help youlearn whether you may be at riskof developing osteoporosis. Whilethis is not a diagnostic exam, ahealth care professional will discussthe results and answer yourquestions. Recommended forwomen age 40 and older.
Fee: $15 per person
Cardiovascular Assessment
Thursdays, by appointment
This assessment will measureyour blood pressure, heart rate,cholesterol levels, fasting bloodsugar, C-reactive protein, bodymass index, EKG, and other factorsto determine your 10-yearrisk of developing heart disease.A cardiac registered nurse willreview the results with you. A 12-hour fast is required.
Fee: $40; Scholarships are available
Healthy Families
Natural Family Planning
By appointment
Learn to avoid or achieve a pregnancywithout the use of drugsor devices. Couples learn thesigns of fertility and infertilityand how to chart and interpretthe signs of fertility in the femalemenstrual cycle. To schedule anappointment, call
Instructor: Sue Costello, MS, women’shealth educator, St. Mary’s Hospital
Fee: $30 per class; Materials: $25
Girl Talk
Saturday, March 31, 9 a.m. to noon
This program is for girls ages 10to 12 and their mothers or othersignificant female adults. Focusis on changes that occur as a girlmatures. Topics include growingup, menstruation, communication,and friendship. Mothersand daughters separate for partof the program—girls do a craftactivity while moms meet for adiscussion.
Presenters: Sue Costello, MS, women’shealth educator, St. Mary’s Hospital
Fee: $15 per family
Family BirthingCenter Classes
St. Mary’s Family BirthingCenter offers classes, too!
- Lamaze
- Sibling
- Breast-Feeding
- Infant Care
Call A Woman’s Place formore information or fora personal tour at
To ensure your place in the programs,fees must be receivedFOUR days prior to class date.
Please send class fee to:
AWoman’s Place
1727 ShawanoAvenue, Suite 101
Green Bay,WI 54303.
Class Cancellations: In the eventa class must be cancelled, registrantswill be notified in advanceand an appropriate credit orrefund will be issued.
Credit Policy: Individual classcredits will be issued if A Woman’sPlace cancels a class or youhave a valid medical excusefrom a doctor. Class credits mustbe used within six months of thecancellation date.
Refund Policy: Full refunds willbe given only if A Woman’sPlace cancels a class. A $10 processingfee will be charged forany exceptions.