Strategies to Prevent Yeast Infections
Three out of four women will suffer at least onevaginal yeast infection in their lifetime, accordingto the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.The main symptom is burning or itching. Thesediscomforts may or may not be accompanied by acottage cheese–like vaginal discharge.
Over-the-counter antifungal drugs effectively treatyeast infections. But the symptoms of a yeast infectioncan mimic those of other conditions, includingsexually transmitted diseases. So, the first time you think you have a yeast infection, or if you suffer atleast four infections in one year, call your doctor.
Fortunately, you can help prevent yeast infectionswith these tips:
- Wear cotton underwear.
- Avoid tight-fitting pants and synthetic fibers.
- Don’t douche or use feminine-hygiene sprays.
- Steer clear of deodorant tampons or pads.
- Skip bubble baths.
- Use white, unscented toilet paper.