Breast Health

One in eight women will battle breast cancer sometime in her life. Early detection gives you the best chance for a healthy outcome.

HSHS St. Mary’s Hospital Medical Center offers screening and diagnostic imaging through digital mammography and most patients receive their results before they leave their appointment.

The American Cancer Society recommends that women with an average risk of breast cancer begin screening mammograms at age 45 and continue to receive them every year until age 54. After that, they should receive one every other year for as long as they are healthy. Women ages 40 to 44 should have the choice to start annual breast cancer screenings with mammograms if they wish to do so. 


What is a screening mammogram?


Screening mammograms are routine mammograms for women with no breast changes or concerns. It usually takes two pictures of each breast and the entire procedure takes approximately 20 minutes. The goal of a screening mammogram is to detect breast cancer when it is too small to be felt by you or your health care provider. If a routine mammogram indicates an abnormality, further breast imaging, such as a diagnostic mammogram, ultrasound or MRI, may be recommended. When necessary, we can arrange a surgical consult on your behalf. 


What is a diagnostic mammogram?

A diagnostic mammogram is ordered by your physician when symptoms that may indicate breast disease are found by you or your doctor. It may also be done after an abnormal screening mammogram to better evaluate the area of concern. Diagnostic mammograms require additional views, or exposures, to provide the radiologist with the necessary information.

How do I prepare for my mammogram?

Wear a comfortable two-piece outfit to easily undress from the waist up. Do not use any deodorant, perfume, lotion or powder on your upper body. Using these products before a mammogram may cause white spots to appear on the image and require repeat mammograms.

Most patients can call to schedule their own screening mammogram appointments. We will obtain the physician order for you. Simply call (920) 433-8329. If you have breast symptoms or concerns, consult your physician first.


Other related services

In the event something suspicious appears on your mammogram, we will refer you to the appropriate specialist. A specialist will likely conduct additional tests to help identify the concern. To learn more about this, check out our educational videos that explain the type of procedure and when each is done.



Ultrasound Guided Biopsy/FNA


Stereotactic Core Biopsy

Breast MRI


Wire Localization

Lymphoscintigraphy or Sentinal Lymph Node Mapping
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